Understanding Customers’ Online Habits to Create Stronger Bonds

Published On: Jan 20th, 2020Categories: Resources & Tips

Business owners are always looking to create a stronger bond with their customers and prospects – particularly through the use of social media and online platforms.

It’s important that your customers understand where and how their customers and prospective customers spend their time online.

An optimal social media strategy requires knowing:

  1. What each channel does best
  2. Which demographics each attracts
  3. How those demographics align with the majority of your current and prospective customers
  4. How audience behaviors change on each platform.

Social media posts are an excellent way to interact with customers in real time. Twitter provides a platform for announcing news or sharing brief thoughts on a topic that’s trending. Facebook posts can offer snippets—teasers—that drive traffic to full posts on a website’s blog.

Understanding the function and audience of each platform helps your customers get the most from their time and effort.

See the full story on the Comcast Business Community for a closer look at how to leverage the internet and create an online presence to own the customer experience, and be sure to share this information with your customers.

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